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The Association of Mutual Forces Personnel (AMUPEF) is proud to announce its official launch on August 1, 2023. As an organization dedicated to serving our members, AMUPEF will provide a variety of services including insurance, loans, training, legal advice and accounting, benefits and discounts, recreation and sports options, housing, tourism and health services.

AMUPEF services are designed with the well-being of its members in mind. From providing customized loan and insurance options to offering training programs and housing opportunities, each service is offered to enhance members' lives and support their growth and development.

The objective of AMUPEF

In addition to its range of services, AMUPEF is also committed to being a transparent and trustworthy organization. Complying with all relevant regulations, the organization strives to keep its members informed and safe in every interaction.

“Our goal with AMUPEF is to provide our members with a strong and reliable support network that they can use to achieve their personal and professional goals.”

“We are excited to officially begin our operations and look forward to helping our members thrive in all areas of their lives.”

Gustavo Dines, President of AMUPEF

Ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo.

Encouraging a better future

“We want our members to know that they can trust us to provide high-quality services that meet their needs,” said the president of the Board of Directors. “Our official launch is just the beginning of our mission to serve and support our members throughout their lives.”

The official launch of AMUPEF marks the beginning of a new era of member support and services. With its dedication to excellence and customer service, AMUPEF hopes to become a positive and trusted presence in the lives of its members.

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Together, we build more future.


Avenida Rivadavia 21204 1P, Castelar
Buenos Aires, CP1712

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AMUPEF © 2025. All Rights Reserved.

Mutual Association of Forces Personnel (AMUPEF)
CUIT 30-71669156-6
Mutual Institution
License plate BA3120