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At AMUPEF we know how difficult recent times have been. For this reason, we offer you access to our online store where You can enjoy products at the best price on the market.

I discovered AMUPEF Store

At AMUPEF, we don't put limits on what you can find on our shelves. Whether you are looking for fresh food, household products, or anything else you need, we guarantee you will find it here, always with the best quality.

Better conditions

Payment flexibility is of utmost importance. Therefore, we offer you different options to adapt to your needs.

  • Up to 12 interest-free installments with credit cards.
  • Financing up to 12 installments per paycheck.
  • Up to 4 interest-free installments with a debit card.

The AMUPEF Supply is not just a place to buy. It is a place where you will be part of a community that cares about your well-being. Together we can make a difference.

Therefore, we invite you to be part of the AMUPEF Supply Office.

Together, we build more future.


Avenida Rivadavia 21204 1P, Castelar
Buenos Aires, CP1712

Designed by Dinexos Consulting

AMUPEF © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

Mutual Association of Forces Personnel (AMUPEF)
CUIT 30-71669156-6
Mutual Institution
License plate BA3120