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Chapter I - Of the Partners

1. Acceptance of Terms

By becoming a member of AMUPEF, you agree to comply with these terms and conditions, as well as the Mutual Bylaws, any applicable regulations or policies.

2. Categories of Associates
  • Assets: Natural persons of the Armed or Security Forces, in a state of activity or retirement.
  • Participants: Relatives of an active or adherent member and minors under 18 years of age.
  • Adherents: Natural persons who do not meet the requirements of active members, are over 18 years of age or are legal entities.
  • Fee: Partners who have been categorized as active and have contributed greatly to the mutual.
3. Obligations of Partners
  • Pay the established fees.
  • Maintain ethical and respectful conduct.
  • Comply with the obligations imposed by the statutes or regulations.
4. Rights of Partners
  • Access the benefits and services offered by AMUPEF.
  • Participate in assemblies and activities, according to the category of associate.
5. Minimum Contract Duration
  • Commitment to stay: By contracting or taking any service or product offered by AMUPEF, the member agrees to maintain said service or product for a minimum period of six (6) months from the start date of the contract (“Minimum Permanence Period”).
  • Anticipated termination: If the member wishes to terminate the service or product before the expiration of the Minimum Duration Period, he or she may be subject to penalties, additional charges or specific conditions, as established in the specific contract for the service or product.
  • Exceptions: Any exception to this minimum permanence clause must be agreed in writing between the partner and AMUPEF.
  • Notification: AMUPEF undertakes to clearly inform the member about this minimum permanence clause at the time of contracting or taking the service or product.
6. Sanctions and Termination
  • Members may be sanctioned or expelled for misconduct or failure to fulfill obligations.
  • Resignation, exclusion or expulsion will result in the loss of rights and paid social fees.
7. Privacy and Personal Data
  • AMUPEF respects the privacy of its partners and complies with applicable data protection laws.
  • The data provided will be used only for the purposes of the association.
8. Changes to Terms and Conditions
  • AMUPEF reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time.
  • The changes will be communicated to members through their electronic address and the Mutual's usual means of communication.
9. Contact

For any questions or concerns, you can contact AMUPEF at the address, email or telephone number provided on the website.

10. Applicable Law

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the Argentine Republic.

Chapter II - Online Membership

1. Acceptance of the Specific Conditions

These are the Specific Conditions, they regulate and complement the General Terms and Conditions to join AMUPEF (Mutual Association of Forces Personnel).

2. Object

The purpose of these Online Subscription Terms and Conditions is for affiliates to become aware of the conditions, rights and obligations they have for joining the Mutual as members.

3. Electronic Address

The email address that you will enter at the time of joining will be constituted as the electronic address, to which you will be considered notified of all communications sent to you such as value and modifications of the membership fee, adhesion to automatic debit, acquisition of loans, contracting of services, promotions, news, etc.
The reported email will be deemed to have been reported as a sworn statement.
Likewise, as an alternative, communications may be sent via WhatsApp to the telephone number indicated by the affiliate.

4. Fees and Payments

The rates will be charged by the mutual company through automatic debit, which is added when completing the form for this purpose. By means of this document, the member provides the mutual with irrevocable authorization for payment discounts through the modality of his/her choice. It can be done through any electronic means of payment by CBU or CVU, debit or credit card, or direct salary discount. The fee will be debited or deducted monthly and consecutively. This authorization is permanent and irrevocable as long as the membership exists.
The User may access a free Membership trial for a period of 30 days. If during the free trial you access any of the non-free services, which will be indicated in each service, you must remain for 6 continuous months without the possibility of disaffiliation.

5. Membership

5.1. Everything completed in the corresponding fields of the membership form will be reported in the form of a sworn declaration.
5.2. Subscription to the Service is available to any natural person, national or foreign, over eighteen (18) years of age, with the capacity to contract or to any legal entity, with accreditation of legal status with sufficient powers, in accordance with the provisions of the Statute. of Mutual.
5.3. The categories of partners are those established in the Statute and detailed in clause 2 of chapter I of this document.
5.4. To subscribe, Members must enter the site: At the time of requesting subscription, Members must complete the Request Form required on the site, providing a username and password, which will be their exclusive property. Said data is protected and protected, in accordance with the privacy regulations of AMUPEF.

6. Types of Subscription

Members will be able to choose between different subscription plans depending on the features, benefits and services included in each one. You can access information about the plans on the page, where you will find updated information. For each of these plans, the subscription modalities and price will be detailed. In the event of modifications, the corresponding communication will be made to the member through the electronic address declared at the time of joining.

7. Responsibilities

7.1. The Member is responsible for all data and statements provided to the mutual company. The Member will be responsible for the veracity of the data provided, with the mutual company reserving the right to exclude from membership or a particular service any Affiliate who has provided false data, without prejudice to other actions that may be legally applicable.
7.2. By accepting the corresponding Application Form, the Member accepts the conditions set forth herein and undertakes to respect the use and prohibitions established therein.
7.3. Likewise, upon completing the membership, the Member undertakes to pay for the Service purchased through the automatic debit selected in accordance with clause 4 of this chapter.
7.4. The mutual company undertakes to make available to the Member on the site the necessary information regarding services, promotions and news.
7.5. The Affiliate accepts that access to the Site and its content is what exists at all times. The mutual will not accept any claim for the contents, updates or connections to the sites.

8. Termination of the Contract

8.1. If applicable, LA MUTUAL reserves the right to immediately withdraw access to membership or any particular service contracted to those Members who, in the opinion of LA MUTUAL, contravene the provisions of these terms and conditions, without the possibility of refund. if payment has been made. Specifically, LA MUTUAL may cancel the contract:
to.- When membership access is used for illegitimate purposes.
b.- When the payment data provided in the contract is erroneous or makes billing and/or collection of the contracted service impossible.
c.- In case of inappropriate disabling of any of the services that have been contracted, in this case indicating to the Affiliate clearly the terms in which said cancellation will apply.
d.- In case of fraudulent use of the services or contrary to good faith.
and.- Any other situation provided for in the Mutual Statute.

9. Get off

The Member may request the cancellation of the subscription through the Cancellation Form available in the menu of their user account. The request for withdrawal will go to the Board of Directors who will issue a resolution within the corresponding period and in accordance with the provisions of the Mutual Statute. The requirements to cancel membership are to be up to date with the membership fee and not owe any amount regarding any service contracted through the mutual. Likewise, it must not be within any minimum period of permanence according to the second paragraph of clause 4. Also, it must comply with all the requirements provided for in the Mutual Statute.

10. Protection of Personal Data

10.1. The Mutual may use the data provided by the Member for the following purposes: a) identification and authentication, b) administration and commercial management, c) improvement of the service, d) statistical purposes, e) sending notifications, promotions or advertising, among others. others from La Mutual and its related entities.
10.2. The personal data collected will not be disseminated or used for a purpose other than or incompatible with that taken into account when entered into the Mutual database.
10.3. In compliance with Article 10 of Law 25,326, LA MUTUAL will maintain absolute confidentiality of the personal data provided by the Partners. The information that LA MUTUAL collects is archived under extreme security measures on its servers, in compliance with Article 9 of Law 25,326.
10.4. Without prejudice to what is established herein, considering that LA MUTUAL puts its best effort into protecting the personal information of its Members, it will not be responsible for the dissemination of the same when it is carried out by sources other than it nor will it be responsible for damages and damages that such disclosure generates.

11. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

This contract will be interpreted and governed in accordance with Argentine legislation. LA MUTUAL and the Partner undertake to try to resolve in an amicable manner any disagreement that may arise in the development of this Contract, prior to resorting to the contemplated jurisdiction.

Together, we build more future.


Avenida Rivadavia 21204 1P, Castelar
Buenos Aires, CP1712

Designed by Dinexos Consulting

AMUPEF © 2025. All Rights Reserved.

Mutual Association of Forces Personnel (AMUPEF)
CUIT 30-71669156-6
Mutual Institution
License plate BA3120