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At AMUPEF, we work with the best insurance companies, negotiating beneficial contractual conditions for our partners. This allows us to offer you a variety of insurance to suit your specific needs, with excellent value for money.

Property Insurance
Insurance brokers are introducing real estate insurance programs to clients.

We work together with important insurance companies to protect everything that interests you. Therefore, we can cover you in all these branches in Property Insurance:

  • Automotive
  • motorcycle vehicle
  • Fire
  • Civil Liability
  • Technical
  • Caution
  • Comprehensive Consortium
  • Family Combined
  • Comprehensive Trade

Ask us about others!

Life insurances

We have alliances with representatives of the Life Branch to offer you the possibility of accessing the best conditions and best prices available on the market.

  • Individual and Collective Life
  • Personal accidents
  • Individual and Collective Funeral
  • Combined
Quote your Insurance with AMUPEF

Don't wait until it's too late to protect yourself. Investing in good insurance may seem expensive in the short term, but the long-term benefits are invaluable. There is nothing like the peace of mind of knowing that you are protected in any circumstance.

Contact us to quote your insurance now.

Together, we build more future.


Avenida Rivadavia 21204 1P, Castelar
Buenos Aires, CP1712

Designed by Dinexos Consulting

AMUPEF © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

Mutual Association of Forces Personnel (AMUPEF)
CUIT 30-71669156-6
Mutual Institution
License plate BA3120